During the 2009 Legislative Session, the Maryland General Assembly adopted HB 487 (Chapter 398) to require Maryland hospitals to submit to the Health Services Cost Review Commission their most recent Form 990 filed annually with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). Subsequently, the General Assembly formally requested that these forms be posted on the Commission’s website. Below are the 990 forms submitted to the Commission from each hospital for the most recent year available.The tax year on an IRS form 990 is determined by the federal fiscal year which ends September 30. Therefore, if any part of a hospital’s fiscal year includes September 30, 2014 it is considered tax year 2014 for IRS purposes. Most hospitals in Maryland have a fiscal year that ends on June 30. Since, for June 30 year-end hospitals, September 30, 2014 falls during their 2015 fiscal year (July 1, 2014 to June 30, 2015), it is still considered Tax Year 2014 by the IRS.
Publicly available hospital IRS 990 forms can be up to one year and eight months behind the actual calendar year for which they are being filed, due to the fact that the hospitals have six months of IRS allowed extensions available, another 30 days after that for them to be submitted to the HSCRC, and the timing of when their fiscal year ends. Please see the following two documents for further clarification: