
​​Hospital Data and Reporting


Clinical Data Submission Requirements & Production Schedule

Notes and slides for annual Data Forum Meetings and submission requirements for Inpatient Data and Outpatient Data can be found below, along with Inpatient and Outpatient Production Schedules and residency status by zip code.​​​

​Data Forum Meetings 

​​FY25 Data Forum Meetings 

​Q1 September 13,​ 2024 10am PP's & Final Notes​​

Q2 December 6, 2024 10am ​PP's & Final Notes

Q3 March 14, 2025 10am ​ ​​​​PP's​ & Final Notes

Q4 June 13, 2025 10am​​

​​FY24 Data Forum Meetings 

​Q1 September 8,​ 2023 10am ​PP's & Final Notes ​​

Q2 December 15, 2023 10am PP's & Final Notes​

Q3 March 8, 2024 10am ​ PP's & Final Notes​​​

Q4 June 7, 2024 10am   PP's​ ​​ & Final Notes​ ​​



FY23 Data Forum Meetings  - Notes and Slides

Q1 September 9, 2022 10am Final Notes & PP'​s

Q2 December 16, 2022 10am Final Notes & PP's

Q3 March 10, 2023 10am Final Notes  & PP's

Q4 June 9, 2023 10am  Final NotesPP's 


FY22 Data Forum Meetings - Notes and Slides

Q1 September 10, 2021 Final Notes & PP's ​
Q2 December XX, 2021 Final Notes & PP's ​
Q3 March 11, 2022 10am Final PP's
Q4 June 17, 2022 10am Final N​​otes & PP's




​Inpatient (Discharge) Data

The Inpatient Data Set contains discharge medical record abstract and billing data on each of the state's approximately 800,000 inpatient admissions annually. Hospitals submit data to the HSCRC on a quarterly basis. This data is used by the HSCRC to 1) group patients into DRGs and develop DRG weights used in the MD payment System; and 2) monitor changes in case mix among hospitals; and 3) reconcile, by hospital, to the revenue data reported on the annual cost report.

Outpatient (Ambulatory) Data

The Outpatient Data Set contains medical abstract and billing data on all outpatient surgeries, clinic visits and referred outpatient ancillary utilization (approx. 5 million records annually). Hospitals submit data to the HSCRC on a quarterly basis. HSCRC uses this data to 1) monitor changes in volumes and charges; and 2) reconcile, by hospitals, to the revenue data on the annual cost report.

FY 2023 Outpatient Data Submission Requirements​​​​​ ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​(February, 2023)
FY 2024 Outpatient Data Submission Requirements​​​​​​​​​ ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​(January, 2024)
FY 2025 Outpatient Data Submission Requirements​​​​​​​​​​​​​ ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​(Feb, 2025)

Inpatient and Outpatient Production Schedules

Zip Code to Residency Crosswalk

This complete Zip Code List contains zip codes, county codes and State designation for most zip codes in the US. The HSCRC assigned a residency status to every zipcode. It includes HSCRC assigned zip codes for Homeless and International patients. Hospitals should use this crosswalk to assign residency to patients

 ​​​Zip Code List​ ​(March, 2024)​​​