
​Hospital Rate Setting


Annual Update to Unit Rates and Global Budget Revenue

Each year, in July, HSCRC updates hospital Global Budget Revenue (GBR) and unit rates for all payers. The annual update factor takes into account inflation, population adjustments, adjustments for quality and potentially avoidable utilization, and other adjustments. This page contains information about these updates.

PLEASE NOTE that the information provided below of general applicability may be superseded by provisions in each hospital’s specific Global Budget Revenue contract​ with the Commission in Section XII D entitled “Other Provisions Relative to the Hospital” and in appendices A through I.​

July 1, 2024 Annual Update to Unit Rates and GBR for RY 2025


​2024 Dates​​​​

​July 1
​Update F​actor Recommendation for RY25​
​July 1
CRISP Funding​
​July 1
Demographic Adjustment​
​July 1
Health Care Coverage Fund​​​
​July 1
​HSCRC User Fees
​July 1
​Inflation by Hospital​
​July 1
Market Shift ​
​July 1
​Maternal & Child Health Funding​​
​July 1
​Medicaid Budget Deficit Assessment​
​July 1
MHAC Scaling​
​July 1
​MHCC User Fees
​July 1​
​Nurse Support Program I
​​July 1​
​Nurse Support Program II
​​July 1​
PAU Savings Adjustments​
​​July 1​
​QBR Scaled Revenue
​July 1​
Regional Partnership Catalyst Grants - Behavioral Health & Diabetes​
​​July 1​​
​RRIP Adjustments
​​July 1
​UCC Fund & ​UCC Hospital Level Summary
​​July 1

Advanced CDS-A Funding​

July 1, 2023 Annual Update to Unit Rates and GBR for RY 2024

July 1Update ​Factor Recommendation for RY23​​
​July 1CRISP Funding​​​
​July 1Demographic Adjustment
​July 1Health Ca​re Coverage Fund​​
​July 1HSC​RC U​ser Fees​​​​​
​July 1Inflation by Hospital​​
​July 1Market Shift​ -  ​CY22Q1234 CY19 v. CY22  /  CL & OP Psych CY21 v. CY22​
​July 1​​Maternal & Child Health Funding​​​
​Juyl 1Medicaid Budget Deficit Assessment​​​​
​July 1MHAC Scaling​
​July 1​MHCC Us​er​ Fees​​​​​
​July 1Nurse Support Program I​
July 1Nurse Supp​ort Program II​
July 1
PAU Savings Adjustments​​
​July 1Population Health Workforce Support Program for Disadvantaged Areas​​
​July 1QBR Scaled Revenue
July 1Regional Partnership Catalyst Grants - Behavioral Healt​h & Diabetes
​July 1RRIP Adjust​ments​​​
July 1UCC Fund & UCC Hospital Level Summary​
​July 1
​July 1​​

July 1, 2022 Annual Update to Unit Rates and GBR for RY 2023


July 1, 2021 Annual Update to Unit Rates and GBR for RY 2022


July 1, 2020 Annual Update to Unit Rates and GBR for RY 2021


July 1, 2019 Annual Update to Unit Rate and GBR for RY 2020


July 1, 2018 Annual Update to Unit Rates and GBR Revenue for RY 2019


July 1, 2017 Annual Update to Unit Rates and GBR Revenue for RY 2018


July 1, 2016 Annual Update to Unit Rates and GBR/TPR Revenue for RY 2017


July 1, 2015 Annual Update to Unit Rates and GBR/TPR Revenue for RY 2016

July 1, 2014 Annual Update to Unit Rates and GBR/TPR Revenue for RY 2015


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