Payment Models Workgroup
In general, this workgroup will develop recommendations for the HSCRC on the structure of payment models and how to balance its approach to updates. The Workgroup will address topics that include:
- Balanced Updates
- Guardrails for Model Performance
- Market Share
- Initial and Future Models
HSCRC Workgroups Descriptions
Payment Models Workgroup Membership
The Health Services Cost Review Commission (HSCRC) has appointed the a diverse group of individuals to serve on the Payment Models Workgroup. The list of workgroup members is available at the following link:
Payment Models Workgroup Appointments
Schedule, Goals, and Documents
The Payment Models Workgroup work plan is provided in the table below. Additional meetings will be added to the schedule. Please check back for the location and schedule of future meetings. Questions related to the schedule and location of meetings should be directed to:
Workgroup and Sub-workgroup Master Schedule - Updated 10-13-15