Consumers and Patient Complaints

We encourage consumers to educate themselves on their rights as patients and to be involved in making healthcare decisions with their providers. Understanding financial obligations, options for financial assistance, and hospital credit and collection policies are important parts of navigating the healthcare delivery system. The links on the left of the page are useful educational resources to help consumers advocate for themselves and receive the best care possible.​

The Health Services Cost Review Commission (HSCRC) is the State agency that has jurisdiction over hospital charges, financial assistance, and payment plans for medical debt offered to patients.  Patients or their representatives who have complaints associated with hospital charges, financial assistance, or medical debt payment plans may contact the HSCRC using the following email address​ If you have a complaint related to one of these areas and would like assistance, please email​ with the details of your complaint. 

The Health Education and Advocacy Unit of the Office of the Attorney General is available to assist patients or their authorized representative in filing and mediating complaints. If you would also like to file the complaint with the Health Education and Advocacy Unit, please use the following contact information:

Phone (toll free): 1–877–261–8807
Phone (Spanish): 410-230-1712
Fax: 410-576-6571
Mailing address: 200 St. Paul Place, 16th Floor, Baltimore, MD 21202

Further information can be found at 

If your complaint relates to the care you received in a hospital, you can file a complaint through the Office of Health Care Quality's website​ or by calling 1-877-402-8218.